WE 365: Youth Voices on Business and Social Entrepreneurship

The path to business and social entrepreneurship is the topic for Youth Voices on June 31st.  We’ll hear from a panel of business-minded students and community members, led by Miles McGinnis, a senior at Oldham County High School.

Ever since I discovered my passion for business four years ago, I have worked hard to provide opportunities for other youth who also share a passion for business. One thing I have noticed as I am still carving my path to being a financial banker in the business world was that the opportunities for youth to learn about the business world are far and in
between. To continue, if you were lucky enough to land an opportunity it would likely cost you heavily financially.  So to solve this issue me and a group of other students have been working on a project to make business opportunities more accessible to students and others interested in this field. The project is based on building a website designed to provide information on the latest business opportunities for students all through Louisville. This project isn’t a crazy project but rather a simple service that students can use to enhance their ability to learn more about this amazing field and the perks that come along with it. – Miles McGinnis